Net Worth Update – July 2022
Net Worth Update – July 2022

Net Worth Update – July 2022

It’s been a while since I have delivered an update to this blog. The markets have not been treating me well as of late. I still have large exposure to COIN (Coinbase), some crypto, and some tech equities. As you might imagine, the dips since February have hit my equities portfolio hard!

However, this has been counteracted by house prices continuing to rise, currently, my house equity is around 90% of my net worth, I would definitely like to get this down, but it is hard to compete with a booming market. Despite the economic downturn, house prices remain fairly stable in the UK.

Started reading, “The World for Sale” about commodities traders last night, and got me inspired to take a few more risks in my portfolio and personal/professional life.

In the meantime, I have made a £2k investment into Speedy Hire PLC, which I believe has a dividend that could grow as the business does. I like the business model, and I am just waiting for some movement in the price!

I am currently looking at increasing my tax contributions to my pension to reduce my tax bill. I am closing in on earning £50k plus, which will be taxed at 40%. I suspect investing a greater portion of my wealth into pensions would make sense. However, as I am still hoping to get to financial independence by the age of 35 (slightly over 8 years) I need to hold some cash to see me through to 55, when I can take money from my private pension.

Very interested if anyone has any thoughts on this!

Personal Update:

Since we last spoke, I have fallen in love with a woman and been on four holidays. So I can’t complain that my net worth appears to have stagnated! I am very happy and content in my life, and have continued to journal on a daily basis.

I am hoping to write more on this blog in the coming days!

Thanks for reading.


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